Since 1894


The origins of Luxlait date back to 1894. That was the year that a private company with a capital of 60,000 Luxembourg francs, €1,500 today, was created under the name “Central-Molkerei”.

The dairy acquired the legal form of a public limited company. The activities of our dairy enjoyed significant growth following the forced restructuring of the Luxembourg dairy industry during the Second World War. The daily volume received rose from 2,000 litres at the end of the 1930s to 40,000 litres at the end of the Second World War.

The current legal form of the agricultural association was adopted in 1946 and the company was renamed “Molkereigenossenschaft Luxemburg – Laiterie de Luxembourg”. At that time, Luxembourg had 180 local dairies. This number declined rapidly and in 1960, only 5 dairies remained on the Luxembourg market. The restructuring of the dairy sector in Luxembourg was completed on 2nd October 1978 by the merger of the last three agricultural associations, CELULA, LADUNO and Luxlait, under the new name of Luxlait, association agricole.

State-of-the-art milk processing plant


Today, the state-of-the-art milk processing plant is located in Roost near the town of Bissen. Due to its location in the centre of the Grand Duchy, dairy farmers are, on average, 20km away from the plant. This exceptional situation makes it one of the shortest collection rounds in the world! More than 300 employees work on the site itself, processing approximately 160 million litres per year into by-products. Luxlait produces under its own and other brand names. Around 65% of the products are exported, which is why Luxlait has various quality certifications such as IFS, ISO 22.000, BIO, Halal, Kosher.

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